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Web designer working on branding design for interior design website project.
Cathleen Barnes, founder of a Wix website design studio catering to interior designers, is seen holding a laptop in her arms while wearing a stylish black coat. With her expertise in creating stunning online presence for interior design businesses, Cathleen embodies the perfect blend of style and professionalism.

We are a Wix web design and branding studio dedicated to helping interior designers convert browsers into high-paying clients.

Workspace area for a web design studio that helps interior designers create strategic, high-converting websites..


Is Your Website & Branding 
Missing the Mark?

We get it – running an interior design business is tough. But that doesn't mean you have to struggle with it. When your website lacks strategy, it can be challenging to attract your ideal customers and communicate effectively with them.


As an interior designer, you know that a well-designed space can transform the way people live and work. But have you given your own business the same attention to detail? We specialize in helping interior designers  attract high-quality leads that convert into high-paying clients by using luxury positioning and website strategy to create an intuitive website that attracts dream clients to your interior design services.  


From luxurious living spaces to commercial properties, we'll help you create a website that reflects your design aesthetic and provide you with the tools you need to manage projects seamlessly from lead to launch. Whether you're looking to attract new clients, book more services, streamline your processes, or have a one-stop website for all your tools and systems, we're here to help.

Branding managine laying on desk inspiring branding project work for an interior design custom website and branding project.


get clarity. get strategic. get results.

Does This Sound Like You?

You've been managing your website and branding on your own for a while, but despite your best efforts, it's just not meeting your expectations. You've invested countless hours into DIY-ing your online presence, but it's still lacking in key areas.

It's time to face the facts:

Your website isn't built with strategy first


Your business lacks in positioning towards the high-end clients you want to attract 


Visitors are leaving without taking the desired action


You're struggling to keep up with multiple tools and platforms

A cozy little nook with a glass table and a single coffee cup sitting on it, surrounded by papers and notes. This intimate setting showcases the importance of strategic website design for interior designers, highlighting the need for clear navigation, organization, and functionality to help interior like you manage projects and communicate with clients efficiently.


building a website with strategy first

Interior Designers Work With Us Because...

We are more than a web and brand designer. We are a web strategist that creates high-converting websites.

We create websites that are more than just pretty - you get a website with your specific business goals and objectives in mind.

We bring value to your business. A website is a lead magnet and revenue generator for your interior design business - it's more than a pretty portfolio and it could be costing you business and money.

We implement tools and create solutions to help streamline your client onboarding processes, scheduling tools, and connect your LTK shop allowing you to generate more business and for you to focus on your design expertise.

We specialize in helping interior designers just like you.

A project portfolio page for Design & Curations, a hybrid interior design studio, where we created a custom website for their business.


Website &


Kalissa Interior Designs brand kit, designed by Cathleen Barnes Consulting, featuring logos, color palette, and typography in the brand kit.
Cathleen Barnes, founder of Cathleen Barnes Consulting, sitting comfortably with a friendly smile, specializing in custom web design and branding for interior desigers.


Hello. I'm Cathleen

As an interior designer, you understand that a beautiful space is only as good as its functionality. The same principle applies to your website! While it’s tempting to focus solely on aesthetics, a truly effective website should seamlessly blend stunning design with smart functionality. Many designers find their online presence lacks the features needed to attract and engage clients effectively. That’s where I step in. I specialize in crafting websites that are not only visually captivating but also strategically designed to enhance user experience, simplify navigation, and drive client inquiries.

What makes my approach unique is my emphasis on marrying beauty with purpose. I take the time to understand your specific needs and challenges, ensuring that your website not only showcases your remarkable portfolio but also serves as a robust tool for client interaction and project management. With my expertise, you’ll have a site that not only looks fantastic but also performs effectively, helping you stand out in a competitive market and ultimately grow your business. Let’s collaborate to elevate your online presence and create a website that truly reflects your design style while driving meaningful results!

​My top priority is helping you gain the clarity you need, providing easy-to-use tools and strategic methods to build your online presence the right way. I believe in using tools that are simple and intuitive, so you can confidently grow your business. By working with me, you'll not only get a website designer but a strategist and partner for your business.​


Kind Words

Kalissa, interior designer and client of Cathleen Barnes Consulting, smiling in her kitchen. Kalissa Interior Designs website was designed by Cathleen Barnes Consulting.

"When I found Cathleen, I was desperate for a website that would resonate my brand in-service offerings. I wanted my copy to be sincere and touching. Telling a story of how I could solve all of my potential client’s interior design problems. Originally, I thought that I could do it myself and bought a template and quickly realized I needed Cathleen’s expertise to pull it all together cohesively. She not only pulled it together, but did so in a way that really made my livable luxury design style shine. The end result is a very elegant website that markets my service offerings, my design style, and my personal voice beautifully."

Kalissa W.

Kalissa Interior Design

A laptop and reading glasses next to each other, symbolizing the importance of taking the time to carefully plan and launch your Wix website with the help of the Wix Website Launch Blueprint, a free guide.


The Wix Website Launch Blueprint

You've designed your site, but now what's next? Dreading the setup or confusion of where to even start. We've got you covered. Our Wix Website Blueprint will walk you through the main areas of getting your website launched properly and help navigate the setup process with ease.


Blog Corner

A small, sleek black table serves as the workspace for an interior designer, with a laptop open to a website. A glass of water and a cappuccino sit nearby, accompanied by a notepad and two pens. This cozy setup showcases the importance of alt text for interior designers, who need to effectively communicate their designs and ideas to clients through digital platforms.

Why Alt Text Matters for Interior Designers

Cozy area in living room designed with intent by an interior designer with seating area, potted plant, and table making this a great space for learning.

6 Common Mistakes Interior Designers Make on their Website

A woman checking her calendar on her tablet, surrounded by creative workspace essentials like cameras and interior design boards.

How to add a booking calendar to your website

An interior designer walks through a modern living room, clutching color palettes and material swatches. The image represents the 7 reasons interior designers choose Wix for their website needs.

7 Reasons why interior designers choose Wix for their website needs

A relaxed and approachable web designer sitting at a desk, holding a coffee cup, inviting visitors to take a break and contact to discuss their website design needs.


Will Be One of Those Business Decisions You Don't Regret

Let's collaborate on a website that is built with strategy first to  attract more leads and book high-paying clients. 

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